Saturday 18 September 2010

Stressful Procrastination


I don't really know where to start today. I don't really have one major thing to talk about, just many little ideas.

For one thing, I've noticed our generation often does things half-heartedly, living by the crossbar equation: less effort for more results. Trying our best to out-smart the system. We work so hard at procrastinating that we have almost perfected it. Someone once said, that what we do while procrastinating is what we should be doing for the rest of our lives. Wise words; but how does one justify doing nothing for the rest of your life? It's no longer art that we bring to perfection while procrastinating, it's procrastination itself that we perfect to an art.
Our closest companion is stress and time eludes us; as though stolen by the grey people in 'Momo'(~Michael Ende). We wander through our holidays, gazing transfixed through our camera lens, documenting every crack in the sidewalk, every building, every smile and every frown. Rushing through it, afraid of missing out on some grand sight. Missing out on everything that we don't capture on camera.
"What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare"Leisure~W.H.Davies
It seems to me, quite often, that we are all trying to outdo us, no longer competing with others but instead trying to defeat ourselves.
At a first glance, that sounds reasonable, left on its own it almost begs for someone to point out, "I no longer compare myself to others, I merely try to test my own borders."
Fair enough I suppose; in theory, but in real life we need to learn how to say no. If we don't want others to infringe upon our physical borders, we need to remember not to infringe upon our own mental borders. A minute only has sixty seconds. Attempting to squeeze in sixty-two or seventy, makes no sense. Otherwise, we'll all end up looking like this:

In the words of Homer, "Trying, is the first step to failure." but, "Failure is the first step to success." So really, our irrational, gripping fear of failure, is unnecessary. Why should we constantly fear what we need in order to improve?
Is anything really that life-shatteringly important that if we don't immediately succeed, we can't just try again?
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying we shouldn't try; after all, "The heights of great men, reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight. But they, while their companions slept were toiling upwards in the night"~H.W.Longfellow
But if we fail, or fall back down, what is the use in spending time on worthless lamenting or wasted tears, instead we should get up and start again, one step at a time.

While walking around town, I can't help but notice that there are very few people that smile. Those that do smile are, more often than not, couples or newly weds. It's sad really, that when one smiles at a passer by, they will look down and hurry past. Afraid.

Smile at a stranger, you might make their day.
Hug a friend, you might save them.

Perhaps I can't change the world, but together we can make a difference!


Thursday 16 September 2010

Never Again...Until Tomorrow

Hello World!

Recent political events here in Europe are what's been bothering me lately. So guess who has the pleasure of reading another one of my tirades? That's right, you guys!

It seems to me, as though the world is going completely insane.

  • First of all, the whole: Burka-Hijab ban.

Okay, so while I can kind of understand why people may want to ban the burka, and are afraid of something like this occurring:
I don't think it's going to inspire much change in the world. In my opinion, there are three things that are likely to happen as a direct result of this:

1. It will incur the wrath of religious fanatics all over the world.
2. The richer Muslims visiting Europe will just pay the fine and still make their wives wear the Burka
3. Those Muslims living in Europe who insist on wearing the Burka will just forbid the women to go out of the house, making them more oppressed than they are at this point in time.

I can understand the safety issues and that employers may not want people with a Burka working in public service or sales jobs. But a complete ban is ridiculous.

As for banning the Hijab; come on. Seriously?
I'm still waiting for an adequate explanation as to why those states that ban the Hijab, don't ban the nuns Habit. Or in fact, an adequate explanation as to why anyone would want to ban a headscarf in the first place.

I really don't see much of a difference.
For that matter, while we're going about banning headgear, how about banning this as well:

Seriously, how far are we willing to go?

  • Secondly, Sarkozy and his ethnic cleansing.
What is up with that guy? I'm going to take the freedom of assuming that he's escaped from some sort of madhouse. He's of Greek-Jewish/Hungarian/Roman Catholic descent and he still thinks it's a good idea to repeat world war two actions?
Has this guy entered politics without ever reading a history book?
Is 'Never Again' something selective? Can one really pick and choose where it applies and to whom?

  • Finally, the situation here in Vienna: H.C. Strache and the elections.
Scandal over scandal, year after year, that's what our FPÖ has to offer. (FPÖ=Freedom Party, or alternatively, Fascist Party)

The frightening thing, is that these blithering idiots actually manage to gain voters. Sarkozy is the president, Strache is raising the number of votes for his party...from the lowest to probably the second highest. (According to election prognosis)

We need to vote against these buffoons. WE need to ensure that they don't get the lead.
I am aware that politics are messy affairs, and none of them are perfect...but in the words of George Orwell "All animals are equal (ly stupid), but some animals are more equal stupid"

Maybe I can't change the world, but together we can make a difference!