Monday 25 October 2010

Project Feel Good


In an attempt to carry on from where I left off previously, the written form of the popular sitcom-recap, I'm going to talk about stress, why I dislike it and what I have decided to do to keep it to a minimum in my life.

After observing that my surroundings seem to be perpetually unsatisfied with themselves, and noticing that my own disposition is rarely what I wish of it, I have taken the decision to start Project Feel Good.

This post is going to encompass the guidelines of my idea, which I hope to be the stepping stone to my own happiness, and perhaps, the happiness of my fellow humans.

Each day, take some time for yourself; anything from a few minutes to an hour. In this time, do something that makes you happy, something that makes you feel good about yourself. Paint a picture, write a song, go for a walk, run, swim, paint your nails, imitate bird-sounds. It's irrelevant what you do; as long as it fulfills you and makes you happy.

This should not be mere procrastination time. The difference being that when we procrastinate we put off one task in favour of time-snatchers (facebook, myspace, lamebook, MLIA, failblog....the opportunities are endless); this often leads to one of two options. Either, we waste time until the last minute when we rush and complete it haphazardly, leaving us unsatisfied with the result, stressed out and upset over our lack of self-control in making use of time. Or, we don't do the task at all, which leaves us stressed out over possible repurcussions and upset over our lack of self-control in making use of time. Both of these options leave us feeling demotivated and unsatisfied.
Project Feel Good should not make us feel worse about ourselves, this should be time used effectively to regain our stamina and self-worth.

2 Do something you love. Ignore those that scoff, those that ridicule or put you down. You enjoy counting blades of grass? Don't expect me to join, but by all means go ahead and do it.

There will always be those that consider it their part in life to criticise and point out the flaws of any plan, to point out the weaknesses in an idea and to draw attention to failure. You Time should not be based on such peoples opinions. You Time needs to be about yourself. One hour or half an hour a day set aside for being egotistic.

Which brings us to an important point:

3 Project Feel Good is not an excuse to trample on someone else. The following is not a valid argument: Destroying Person's stamp collection, makes me feel good. Thus I am allowed to do so.

Though Project Feel Good requires a healthy amount of egoism, even encourages it, it does not also require us to be selfish.

4 Take a fixed day, let us say...Wednesday...Every Wednesday, make a list of things that made you smile during the week. Anything, from a really good joke to a dog chasing it's tale to someone telling you they love you. A strong hug or a kind smile. A pound gained or lost. Anything that made you feel good.
Share this list with someone. Post it as a reply, show your best friend, blog, make a fb-note. It doesn't matter how as long as you just share the love.

5 Share Project Feel Good with your family, your friends, your class-mates, your teachers, your colleagues, your boss....spread the word, share the love.

Perhaps I can't change the world, but together we can make a difference!



  1. I love you.

    You're the best.

    I think you're cool.

    I think you're awesome.


    Will you be blogging about the experience? Will you be throwing glitter? PLANS RAINBOWS ELVES COHERENCE.

    I love this. The end (not really the end, but... something).

  2. I'm in the game! loving the idea, loving to do it...'FEEL GOOD'!
